Herbalife Malaysia is proud to annouce that many products with new label design will be coming out soon.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Herbalife New Label Announcement
Herbalife Malaysia is proud to annouce that many products with new label design will be coming out soon.
Health is Wealth: Health Alert
The Benefits of Exercising
Most people know that exercise is important for weight loss and preventing heart disease, and there are a wide range of other scientifically proven benefits to exercising daily. Whether you like to walk, jog, bike, swim, or play an active sport, you can improve your health by maintaining a regular exercise regimen. Twenty minutes a day, three times a week can be enough to improve your health.Thirty minutes of walking burns around 200 calories. Adding a thirty minute walk, three times a week to one’s normal lifestyle, and not changing anything else, will burn over 30,000 calories in a year which is nearly nine pounds. A single hour of walking, three times a week over the course of a year can generate close to twenty pounds of weight loss.
Exercise is necessary
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Herbalife Malaysia Launched Online Ordering System

Herbalife Malaysia has official launched online ordering system, allows you to buy Herbalife Malaysia products online!
Online ordering completing your business deals through the easiest way!
If you think queuing up in Herbalife Malaysia office to purchase is a waste of time and effort; if you think fax or phone ordering is inconvenient; And if you are tired of offering the picking up and delivery services; Now, you can save time and effort by transforming yourself into a 21st century IT-savvy business person with Herbalife online ordering process. You will realize how easy and convenient it is to order online and have the delivery service ready for you and your customers.
You can complete the online ordering process in just a few clicks. This online ordering allows you to:
- Have more time in operating and running your business, expanding into more new markets and supporting your organization
- Shop at home and order at any time
- Pay online, a safer payment transaction compared to traditional method
- Save time and effort since you need not be there in person to complete the transaction, from ordering to delivery
- Receive more information and understand the product’s benefits before placing order
Start purchasing Herbalife products online now at https://myen.myherbalife.com/ !
Let it become part of the business operation for you and your organization!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Siapakah KAMI?
Bagaimana ia bermula
Ia bermula dengan tragik. Ibu kepada Mark Hughes, pengasas Herbalife, menjadi ketagihan kepada pil diet yang dibenarkan dan meninggal dunia akibat pengambilan berlebihan. Sungguhpun Mark hanya berumur 18 tahun, beliau bertekad mencari jalan untuk membantu kesihatan pengguna melalui pemakanan yang baik serta mencipta program pengurangan berat badan yang selamat dan berkesan. Setelah beberapa lama melalui proses pengkajian dan pembangunan, Mark melancarkan Herbalife untuk memenuhi misi menjadikan peningkatan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan badan dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang di dunia ini.
Direka secara saintifik khusus untuk kejayaan anda
Produk Herbalife yang inovatif dihasilkan oleh para saintis, doktor dan pakar pemakanan dengan mengambilkira kesihatan dan kesejahteraan pengguna. Walaupun produk Herbalife berformulakan semulajadi untuk kesejahteraan seumur hidup dan mudah diperolehi, namun janji untuk peluang perniagaan pastinya memberikan ganjaran kewangan yang menguntungkan.
Pakar yang boleh anda Percaya
Lembaga Penasihat Saintifik Herbalife, Kumpulan Perhubungan Perubatan dan Lembaga Penasihat Perubatan adalah tenaga utama di belakang kejayaan industri Herbalife. Kumpulan pakar saintifik inilah yang mengarah pembangunan produk Herbalife menerusi kajian dan pengujian produk, agar kualiti Herbalife mampu mencapai standad yang ditentukan oleh industri pada masa kini.
Sokongan yang boleh anda harapkan
Dengan kumpulan yang melebihi satu juta pengedar bebas menjual produk Herbalife di 73 buah negara di seluruh dunia ( dan jualan retail sebanyak $1.8 billion), anda boleh pastikan yang anda mempunyai sokongan untuk berjaya.