I have gain 12kg from 45kg to 57kg after I started to work 2 years ago. Working under stress environment, bad eating habit, most of the time eating outside food and late has lead to gaining of weight and my “spare tyres” are slowly charting out. My dad even complaint that I am near to obsesity. Slowly, I lose my confident and feeling really depress. Hence, I decided to lose some weight!
With the introduce of my friend, I started to consume Herbalife. After consuming it for 3 months with taking it once a day, I started to feel changes to my body~ I feel great! I have lose 4kg and also able to fit into my outfit nicely and slimming down, that is when I started to share my experience to my friends! - Joey

Doctor has been warning Juliet about her overweight problem. Being a mother of two, she has been searching for ways to reduce her weight. One day, she get to know about this product and within one month, she see results! Her medical records were improved after consuming HERBALIFE for a few months.